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We live in a culture that often times tells us to “stay on course” “just go with the flow” “get a good job with benefits” “don’t take too many risks.” However, I have found that this does not always translate to what I consider success, and often times leads to a mediocre life.  I for one do not want to look back and say my life was ok.

I want to look at my life and say I loved every day I was alive. I want my children to be inspired to live their own version of a successful life and I’m willing to bet you want the same.  For me success is being the best husband, father, and friend I can.  It’s making time to enjoy the small things in life, and living every moment to the fullest.  Of course it also entails killing myself on a regular basis through my CrossFit WOD, but that only helps me achieve my success.

Whether you want to be a better spouse, father, mother, son, daughter, athlete, or lover of life; here is a list of 6 things that can help you reach your goal.

1. Don’t Resent Other People’s Success

Watching a co-worker receive a promotion or hearing a friend talk about her achievements can stir up feelings of envy. But resenting other people’s success will only interfere with your ability to reach your own goals. When you’re secure in our own definition of success, you’ll stop envying other people for obtaining their goals and you’ll be committed to reaching your dreams.

2. Don’t Fear Taking Calculated Risks

We make dozens — if not hundreds — of choices every day and with very little time devoted to considering the risks we’re taking. Whether we choose to wear a helmet on a bike ride or we decide to take out a mortgage, we often base our choices on our emotions, not the true level of risk. Making decisions based on your level of fear isn’t an accurate way to calculate risk. Emotions are often irrational and unreliable. You don’t get to be extraordinary without taking risks, and learning how to accurately calculate risk will ensure you’re making the best choices.

3. Don’t Make the Same Mistakes Over and Over

It’d be nice to learn enough from each mistake that we’d be guaranteed to never repeat that same mistake twice. But the reality is that we’re prone to repeat the same mistakes sometimes. Learning from our mistakes requires humility and a willingness to look for new strategies to become better. Mentally strong people don’t hide their mistakes or make excuses for them, instead they use them as opportunities for self-growth.

4. Never Give Up After Failure

It’s normal to feel embarrassed, discouraged, and downright defeated when your first attempts don’t work. From a young age, we’re often taught that failure is bad, but it’s nearly impossible to succeed if you never fail. Mentally strong people view failure as proof that they’re pushing themselves to the limits in their efforts to reach their full potential.

5. The World Does NOT Owe You Anything

It’s easy to get caught up in feeling a sense of entitlement. But waiting for the world — or the people in it — to give you what you think we’re owed isn’t a helpful life strategy. If you’re busy trying to take what you think you deserve, you won’t have any time to focus on all that you have to give. And everyone has gifts that can be shared, regardless of whether they’ve gotten a “fair deal” in life.

6. Never Expect Immediate Results

Wouldn’t it be nice if everything in life could happen at the touch of a button? We often grow so accustomed to our “no lines, no waiting” world, that our brains begin to believe that everything should happen instantaneously. But self-growth develops at more of a snail’s pace, rather than at lightning speed. Whether you’re trying to lose weight or develop a more gracious attitude, slow and steady wins the race and expecting immediate results will only lead to disappointment.

Let today be the day you take control of your life and start to build your own version of success.


Sourced from: huffingtonpost

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When faced with challenges in life we can either lay down and die or fight back.  “I’m not ready to die yet.”

76 year old Constance Tillett has turned to CrossFit to help her stay Fit.  After years of illness, and multiple surgeries, Constance says she looked around at people her age and knew she had to make a change.

She was scared when she first went to CrossFit, but she had the courage to take that first step and hasn’t looked back since.

Thank you Constance for your inspiration to all of us!


video sourced:YouTube

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Meet America’s 15 Year Old Weightlifting Phenom

If you haven’t hear the name C.J. Cummings yet, that is all about to change!

I wasn’t born the last time American men won a medal in Olympic weightlifting.  A sport that America had all but walked away from.

Thanks in large part to the growing popularity of CrossFit, Olympic lifting is beginning to gain some momentum with the younger generations.  Membership for the USA Weightlifting has more than doubled in the past 3 years.  Lifts like the clean and jerk and the snatch have been long forgotten is your average globe gym.  Lifts which require balance, full-body strength, and particularly powerful legs have been replaced with more muscle group specific lifts.


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But a 15-year-old boy in small-town South Carolina is raising hopes for an American weightlifting renaissance. His name is C.J. Cummings, and at the 2015 USA Weightlifting National Championships this month in Dallas, he set a national record. In a sport where athletes typically peak in their mid to late 20s, this teenager lifted more than any American grown-up in his weight class had ever achieved.

“In 37 years of coaching, I’ve never seen anything like this kid,” said Dennis Snethen, coach of the U.S. team at the Beijing Olympics and a former longtime top executive of USA Weightlifting. “He’s the Michael Jordan of weightlifting in America.”

But as a youth, Cummings is becoming a force on the international stage. At the junior worlds this June in Poland, Cummings competed as a 15-year-old against athletes as old as 20 and finished fourth in the clean and jerk and seventh overall. At the nationals this month, his clean and jerk of 175 kilograms (about 386 pounds) broke not only the American national senior record but also exceeded by two kilograms the international youth record in his weight class 69k. That record was unofficial, because it didn’t occur at an international meet. But even on an unofficial basis, it tops anything any American weightlifter has accomplished in decades.

In weight rooms across America, a cultural shift is taking place. For a long time, the weight room has been the province of power lifters, not Olympic-style lifters. For power lifters, the measure of an athlete is how much he can bench press—something not included in Olympic competitions.

It remains to be seen whether Cummings will be on the Olympic team. To make the cut, an athlete must be ranked high internationally in his weight class, and to get there the teenager must continue to execute eye-popping lifts, starting with a meet next month in Mexico.

His coach, Rayford Jones, won’t entertain any talk of Cummings ending America’s weightlifting medal drought in Rio. “This is a 15-year-old boy, and we’re going slow and steady,” Jones said. “But you give this boy four years beyond Rio, you talk about the Tokyo Olympics, well, now that’s a real opportunity.”

sourced from: WSJ